Module 6: On-the-job learning

After successfully completing all theoretical sections of modules 1-3, the student can proceed with the on-the-job learning period. The on-the-job learning period is organized in cooperation with the Work Efficiency Institute.
During the internship, the student will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the principles of industrial construction, including material selection, moisture management, and fire protection, with the teacher’s assistance, first in theory and then in practice. Throughout the course, the student will be involved in constructing elements of a timber-framed apartment building.
The on-the-job learning period lasts for 2 weeks.
The age limit for the on-the-job learning period is 18-25 years.
The on-the-job learning period is free of charge for students, and no compensation is provided for it.
Sign up for the on-the-job learning period through this link.