
Omenankukka Housing Company

The north-facing hillside site is flanked by Omenamäenkatu road and comprises four hillside houses and a long, winding row house. The roadfacing apartments of each hillside house are twostoreyed and the yard-side apartment is three-storeyed. The row house situated on the site’s northern perimeter is one-and two-storeyed.

Pathway-like stairways lead down between the hillside houses to the yard area. Entrance pathways run to the two-storeyed row house. The hillside houses are positioned transversely on the northerly sloping plot, allowing light to pass between them onto the gardens of the row house apartments.

The Omenankukka site features two house types. The hillside houses are accessed via wooden terraces on the entrance pathway side, and on their other side is a small yard. Entrance to the row houses located on the rear edge of the site is from the north, and each apartment opens onto a south-facing yard. The ground floors of the apartments are open plan. The bedrooms and sauna are on the upper floor, and each opens directly onto a balcony.

Each apartment has its own outdoor space and there is also a small communal yard in the middle of the site. Road access to the site is from Omenamäki road and parking is allocated at each corner of the site.

The houses are made from prefabricated wooden elements. The intermediate floors are made of glue laminated beams and the roofs are trussed timber. The exterior cladding is oil painted spruce board. The balconies were also assembled from prefabricated components. The eave lengths range from 30 centimetres up to two metres.

Projekt in Kürze

Omenankukka Housing Company

  • Lage | Vuosaari, Helsinki
  • Verwendungszweck | Residential building
  • Bauherr/Auftraggeber | Helsingin asuntotuotantotoimisto
  • Gesamtfläche | 2 779 m2
  • Volumen | 8 758 m3
  • Architektonische Planung | Arkkitehtitoimisto 6B
  • Tragwerksplanung | Insinööritoimisto Ylimäki & Tinkanen Oy
  • Hauptauftragnehmer | Skanska Talonrakennus Oy
  • Bilder | Kimmo Räisänen
  • Text | Pekka Heikkinen