
Conservation Centre Seurasaari

The idea for the building has been borrowed from the Antti farmstead at the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum, where the buildings and the fences linking them together form a sheltered farm-yard. Originally, the farm-yard provided protection against wild animals, but now it acts as an obstacle to vandalism and provides shelter for timber, machinery and vehicles.

The principal space in the centre, used for conservation and maintenance of the buildings in the Open-Air Museum, is a woodwork shop. The yard of the centre is divided into a machinery area and a demonstration area. The demonstration area is bounded by the workshop and its annexe, and the machinery area by stores and fencing. The yard is used for demonstrations of work and events which illustrate the Museum’s activities.

The roofs are long and mono-pitched, so that snow can be removed in a controlled manner. The load-bearing structure of the workshop building consists of solid-timber, double columns. The double columns are tied together and the space between is used for services. The roof is supported on laminated timber beams which extend outside the building to carry the eaves. The external walls are durable, easily maintained and renewable. The black-tarred pine boards cladding the storehouses contrast with the greyish coloured spruce surfaces of the main building.

The building follows the well-proven principles of Finnish timber building.

Finnish Wood Award 2009

Projekt in Kürze

Conservation Centre Seurasaari

  • Lage | Seurasaari, Helsinki
  • Verwendungszweck | Conservation Centre
  • Bauherr/Auftraggeber | Museovirasto, Rakennushistorian osasto
  • Geschossfläche | 586 m2
  • Gesamtfläche | 2 780 m2
  • Architektonische Planung | Häkli Architects
  • Tragwerksplanung | Insinööritoimisto Pentinmikko Oy
  • Hauptauftragnehmer | Ismo Nurkkala, Suomen Projektiurakointi Oy
  • Bilder | Jussi Tiainen
  • Text | Seppo Häkli