Holiday cottage Dommanskär
The cottage, built on a rocky islet in the Finnish archipelago, is the summer residence of the architect’s family of seven. The islet is also furnished with a sauna and guest cabin.
The cottage yields to the beautiful natural surroundings of the island. Set discreetly among pine trees and nestled deep between two rocks, the building rests on minimal, light foundations. If the building were to be removed, the site would return to its natural state without permanent trace within only a few years.
The cottage dimensions, method of construction and structural design were shaped by the limitations of the location – all parts had to be lightweight and small enough to be easily transported to the island.
The cottage rests partially cantilevered on two rails. The technique achieves a light visual character for the building while keeping the need for hand-dug foundation excavations to a bare minimum.
The large roof covers the exterior and interior spaces and links the rocks surrounding the building together. A rock plinth to the front of the cottage serves as a natural pavement
to the interior.
Inside, the bedrooms are fanned around a central living area. The two oldest children’s rooms are purposely compact in design, while the smallest children share a larger room. The island has no running water or electricity. The lavatory is in a separate building. The cottage is heated by three fireplaces and lighting is powered by a roof solar panel.
The minimally equipped cottage brings escape from the bustle of normal life.
Projekt in Kürze
Holiday cottage Dommanskär
- Lage | Hiittinen
- Verwendungszweck | Summer house
- Architektonische Planung | A-Konsultit architects
- Tragwerksplanung | Stefan Forstén
- Hauptauftragnehmer | Jyrki Huttunen Oy
- Bilder | Anders Adlercreutz
- Text | Anders Adlercreutz