Nursing home Villa Andante
Sammalvuori rises behind the Kattilalaakso low-rise housing area. Villa Andante, built at the edge of the single-family house area and wooded cliff, is linked to its surroundings by its home-like small group spaces, one-family house scale and materials.
The Hoivakoti Villa Andante nursing home is the only public building in the area. It comprises three L-shaped groups of homes and a central lobby connecting them. The apartment wings of the home groups are low, horizontal building masses with long eaves. Home groups culminate into joint recreation rooms at the corners.
The largest of the home groups and its courtyard with wooden fence ties the building to the street coordinates of Kattilatanhua Street. Other home groups have been placed in the plot freely in terms of interior spaces and courtyards.
Wood has been used in a versatile manner in the building’s load-bearing parts, sheeting, fences bordering the courtyards and in lattices. It has also been utilised to contribute to the atmosphere in the decor.
The boards and panels of varying widths of the façade have been fitted to the heights of the various parts of the building. Each home group has its own colour in order to facilitate orientation of the residents.
Projekt in Kürze
Nursing home Villa Andante
- Lage | Kattilalaakso, Espoo
- Verwendungszweck | Nursing home
- Bauherr/Auftraggeber | Mediverkko Oy, Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma
- Architektonische Planung | Tuomo Siitonen Architects
- Tragwerksplanung | Turun Juva Oy
- Hauptauftragnehmer | Skanska Talonrakennus Oy / Turun Juva Oy
- Bilder | Jussi Tiainen and Kimmo Räisänen
- Text | Tuomo Siitonen