
UFO is ready to land

UFO is a small-scale building with a carefully crafted, modern design. It is produced at the factory from cross-laminated solid wood, more commonly known as CLT. For maximum simplicity of installation, UFO can be delivered by truck either in its final form or as separate large elements. Once on site, the building only needs to be installed on a steel foundation – and it is ready for use. UFO can serve many purposes: guest house, holiday home, remote workspace, personal spa, etc.

UFO leverages the strengths of digital design and pre-fabrication. Recent technological advances, from the complex, precise cuts of modern robotics to the versatility of CLT as a material, open up new possibilities in wood construction and encourage designers to discover novel, visually pleasing solutions that merge modern aesthetics with the longevity of traditional log houses.

UFO’s design makes a conscious effort to emphasize its compactness, with the symmetry of the roof and base creating the impression of a simple, singular object. Upon entering the building however, visitors are greeted by breathtaking natural views that open up through the large, frameless glass elements made possible by the unique structural properties of CLT.

Not only did UFO inspire us to seek innovative ways to use wood in construction, it also made us question the ways buildings are sold. In collaboration with Jonathan Hull, Ulla-Maaria Koivula and Open Sea, we created the world’s first architectural NFT. Buyers of the UFO NFT gain access to the manufacturing files themselves, allowing them to “print” the construction elements.

UFO aims to transform the entire value chain of wood-based architecture to align fully with the green transition. By challenging traditions, UFO aims to revolutionize building design, manufacture, assembly, and sales. We hope that our holistic perspective will lead to a more innovative and sustainable future.


Ateljé Sotamaa
Ateljé Sotamaa on kansainvälinen suunnittelu- ja arkkitehtuuristudio Helsingissä. Luomme rakennuksia, tiloja, esineitä, viestintää, infrastruktuuria ja taideteoksia, jotka muuttavat tapaa ajatella, tuntea ja käyttäytyä. Olemme toteuttaneet projekteja Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Englannissa, Italiassa, Yhdysvalloissa, Japanissa, Kiinassa ja Kazakstanissa.

Vivaret on kontiolahtelainen vuonna 2019 perustettu puurakentamiseen erikoistunut yritys. Vivaret sai alkunsa puualan ammattilaisen Jonathan Carlen halusta tarjota asiakkaille Timber Frame rakennusmenetelmällä tehtyjä yksilöllisiä ja ensiluokkaisia puurakenteisia ratkaisuja. Carle on kouluttautunut Ranskassa puurakennusalalla aina erikoisammattitutkintoon asti, ja työskentelee nyt suomalaisen puurakentamisen erityisosaajana.