Products | Timber Koskisen sawn timber, spruceManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Metsä Wood Pine TimberManufacturer | Metsä Fibre UPM Grada® 2000 for form pressingManufacturer | UPM Plywood Window and door componentsManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Stora Enso Classic sawn and planed woodManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Verso impregnated woodManufacturer | Versowood Oy Solid construction timber (KVH®)Manufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Verso sawn timber componentsManufacturer | Versowood Oy Stora Enso ThermoWood®Manufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Keitele Group Sawn timberManufacturer | Keitele Timber Oy Verso packaging productsManufacturer | Versowood Oy Verso planed sawn timberManufacturer | Versowood Oy Sawn and planed timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy Metsä Wood Spruce TimberManufacturer | Metsä Fibre Lunawood Sawn timber and industrialManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Koskisen Planed timber, spruce and pineManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Lunawood Thermowood Composite (TWPC)Manufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Woodcomp Precut and wood productsManufacturer | Woodcomp Oy Koskisen sawn timber, pineManufacturer | Koskisen Oy