Ekovilla blow-in loose fill insulation for ceilings, floors and wallsManufacturer | Ekovilla Oy Kerto® LVL Qp-beamManufacturer | Metsä Wood CLT-frame contractsManufacturer | Puurakentajat Group Oy Ekovilla slab for ceilings, floors and wallsManufacturer | Ekovilla Oy Metsä Wood Pine TimberManufacturer | Metsä Fibre Verso prime coated cladding productsManufacturer | Versowood Oy Koskisen Fire-retardant timberManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Metsä Wood FlexManufacturer | Metsä Wood XEPOX fluid - two-component epoxy adhesiveManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Metsä Wood Spruce WeatherGuardManufacturer | Metsä Wood Verso Glulam productsManufacturer | Versowood Oy SBD - self-drilling dowelManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Koskisen Planed timber, spruce and pineManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Verso packaging productsManufacturer | Versowood Oy KoskiFlex - Extremely flexible thin plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Parklex Prodema Wood walls and ceilings for interiorsManufacturer | Seroc Oy Metsä Wood LaserManufacturer | Metsä Wood KoskiPly birch – Thin plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy UPM Grada® 2000 for form pressingManufacturer | UPM Plywood Metsä Wood GranitManufacturer | Metsä Wood Lunawood Thermowood DeckingManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Lunawood Sawn timber and industrialManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd RestorationManufacturer | Puurakentajat Group Oy KoskiVeneer - birch veneerManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Metsä Wood Spruce FireResistManufacturer | Metsä Wood KoskiPan – Uncoated standard chipboardManufacturer | Koskisen Oy X10 - cross-shaped post baseManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl WHT - angle bracket for tensile loadsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Stora Enso Cladding and deckingManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. ALUMIDI - concealed bracket with and without holesManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl TITAN V - angle bracket for shear and tensile loadsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl KoskiPro – Special chipboardManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Kerto® LVL Q-panelManufacturer | Metsä Wood WISA®-Wire technical flooring plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood KoskiWall – Tongued-and-grooved uncoated chipboard for wallsManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Vertex BD – Advanced Wood Framing SoftwareManufacturer | Vertex Systems Oy Palonot F1 fire retardant solutionManufacturer | Palonot Oy Koskisen sawn timber, spruceManufacturer | Koskisen Oy CTC - connector for timber-concrete floorsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Sylva™ by Stora Enso to engineered wood productsManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Metsä Wood Birch PlywoodManufacturer | Metsä Wood KoskiPly economy – Thin plywood from joint-free birch veneerManufacturer | Koskisen Oy LVL by Stora EnsoManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. VGZ - full threaded screw with cylindrical headManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Metsä Wood Spruce FlexManufacturer | Metsä Wood SLOT - Connector for structural panelsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl WISA-Form Spruce formwork casting plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood KoskiStandard birch plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood HBS PLATE - pan head screw for platesManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Lunawood Thermowood Exterior CladdingManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Fire protected timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy E.T. Panels – Interior panels MDFManufacturer | E.T. Listat Oy Primed timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy WISA®-Spruce plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood Stora Enso ThermoWood®Manufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. E.T. MouldingsManufacturer | E.T. Listat Oy KoskiFutura smooth and textured birch plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Verso impregnated woodManufacturer | Versowood Oy Window and door componentsManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. WISA-Hexa Grip flooring panelManufacturer | UPM Plywood Metsä Wood DeckManufacturer | Metsä Wood KoskiLaser eco, 3D and transparent die cutting plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy KoskiFloor – Chipboard for floorsManufacturer | Koskisen Oy KoskiCarat flooring plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy KoskiPly CLW – strong and versatile thin plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy E.T. Panels – Interior panels SpruceManufacturer | E.T. Listat Oy Kerto® LVL S-beamManufacturer | Metsä Wood WISA®-Multifloor plastic coated flooring plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood Kerto® LVL T-studManufacturer | Metsä Wood CLT by Stora Enso (Cross-laminated timber)Manufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. E.T. Panels– Interior panels PineManufacturer | E.T. Listat Oy LOCK T - concealed hook timber-to-timber connectorManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Lunawood InteriorsManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd MetsäWood DURAFormManufacturer | Metsä Wood WISA-Form Birch casting panelManufacturer | UPM Plywood Metsä Wood FloorManufacturer | Metsä Wood Ready-to-use modular solutionsManufacturer | Woodcomp Oy WISA®-Paintply Spruce plywood panelManufacturer | UPM Plywood Koskisen Primed and painted exterior cladding panelsManufacturer | Koskisen Oy SPIDER - connection and reinforcement system for colums and floorsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Verso planed sawn timberManufacturer | Versowood Oy Private housesManufacturer | Puurakentajat Group Oy Surface painted timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy Metsä Wood KingSizeManufacturer | Metsä Wood Sawn and planed timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy Woodcomp Precut and wood productsManufacturer | Woodcomp Oy KoskiMel – Furniture and decorative boardManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Metsä Wood Spruce TimberManufacturer | Metsä Fibre Stora Enso Classic sawn and planed woodManufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Versowood BarriersManufacturer | Versowood Oy Metsä Wood ConiferManufacturer | Metsä Wood Metsä Wood formManufacturer | Metsä Wood JIGVGZ45 - template for 45° screw connectionsManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl KoskiKant – Edge-banded furniture boardManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Metsä Wood SpruceManufacturer | Metsä Wood WISA®-Multiwall lining panelManufacturer | UPM Plywood KoskiTherm – underfloor-heating chipboardManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Verso sawn timber componentsManufacturer | Versowood Oy Metsä Wood Spruce MouldGuardManufacturer | Metsä Wood Metsä Wood Birch & Birch LManufacturer | Metsä Wood Keitele Group Sawn timberManufacturer | Keitele Timber Oy WISA-Form Beto for horizontal concrete formworkManufacturer | UPM Plywood Arkki - interior plywood panelManufacturer | Koskisen Oy WISA®-Birch plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood WISA®-SpruceFRManufacturer | UPM Plywood WISA-Form Slab concrete forming plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood ET-FloorsManufacturer | E.T. Listat Oy Koskisen sawn timber, pineManufacturer | Koskisen Oy ALU START - aluminium system for the connection of buildings to the groundManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Kerto® LVL L-panelManufacturer | Metsä Wood VGS - fully threaded screw with countersunk or hexagonal headManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl KoskiDecor Eco Transparent – Decorative plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy SHARP - steel hooked platesManufacturer | Rothoblaas srl Verso bridgesManufacturer | Versowood Oy Solid construction timber (KVH®)Manufacturer | Stora Enso Wood Products Oy Ltd. Carpenters services, Puurakentajat GroupManufacturer | Puurakentajat Group Oy Lunawood BattensManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Kerto® LVL ProductsManufacturer | Metsä Wood KoskiPaint birch plywoodManufacturer | Koskisen Oy Lunawood Thermowood Composite (TWPC)Manufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd Lunawood Frames and BearersManufacturer | Oy Lunawood Ltd WISA-Roof plywoodManufacturer | UPM Plywood Undercoated timberManufacturer | Veljekset Vaara Oy