
Privacy Policy

Register description in accordance with Section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/99)

Name of register

Puuinfo Oy:n sidosryhmärekisteri (Puuinfo Oy stakeholder register)
Puu-lehden tilaajarekisteri (Wood Magazine subscriber register)

Data controller

Puuinfo Oy
Siltasaarenkatu 12 A, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

Contacts for matters concerning register content

Anu Turunen, tel. +358 50 336 9210
Email: firstname.lastname@puuinfo.fiinfo@puuinfo.fi

Purpose of processing personal data

The data in Puuinfo’s stakeholder register is used for stakeholder communication, including, but not limited to, the delivery of digital newsletters, announcements, and invitations, as well as for marketing Puuinfo’s services and providing customer services. The magazine’s subscriber register is used for the distribution and invoicing of the printed magazine.

Data content of the register

The register may contain the following data: The person’s name, organisation, job title/position, email address, and workplace contact information. The magazine’s subscriber register includes the subscriber’s name and delivery address and, if needed, a separate billing address.

Data sources

Data about registered persons is collected, for example, through contact forms and newsletter subscriptions on Puuinfo’s website or from reliable public sources. Data is also collected at Puuinfo-organised events, such as training courses and seminars, which the person attends or for which they register.

Transfer or disclosure of information

The data is not transferred outside the EU or EEA and is not disclosed to other organisations.

Security of register

The data is stored in a confidential manner. The register is maintained in a digital information system. Access to the system is safeguarded by usernames and passwords.

Deletion of data

Data may be deleted at the request of a customer/stakeholder representative or due to the end of the customer relationship.