Auditorium – Metsä Group and MELA main office
The Metsä Group and MELA head office required an auditorium that was larger than the original. Because of the plot, the options were extremely limited. After considering numerous alternatives, a floor sloping to a wide fan design was chosen. The benefit is good contact with and proximity to the audience.
The goal for the interior space was spacious, dynamic architecture. This was achieved in the small construction space by tilting the exterior walls so that the space widens upwards. Whitewashed wood battening was used for surface cladding. Horizontal windows were designed at eye-level, so the space continues to expand and breathe outwards. Diffuse radiation panels were installed in the ceiling for cooling and heating, with punched ELAM board used for fire design reasons. A textile carpet was chosen to allow for quiet moving about and general dampening.
The auditorium has exceptionally high-quality furnishings. Curved tables are fixed and equipped with microphones and ICT connectivity. The seats are ergonomically high-quality, adjustable, detached chairs with wheels. The maximum number of seats is 150. The AV equipment is state of the art. The furnishings on the stage can be grouped or positioned apart for discussions.
The base of the auditorium is a supply air pressure chamber and air flows from below the rows of seats. Exhaust air exits from the rear of the space. The temperature adjustment was designed with exceptionally precise limits.
The lighting can be adjusted in diverse ways.
Project in brief
Auditorium – Metsä Group and MELA main office
- Location | Tapiola, Espoo
- Purpose | Auditorium
- Constructor/Client | KOy Metsätapiola
- Volume | 2 000 m3
- Architectural Design | Helin & Co Architects
- Structural design | Wise Group Finland
- Electrical design | Ramboll Finland
- Interior design | Helin & Co Architects
- Main contractor | Varte Oy
- Photographs | Marc Goodwin and Antti Laiho
- Text | Pekka Helin