Terms of use
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our website.
By using Puuinfo’s website, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. These terms of use apply to all of Puuinfo’s websites. Specific sites may also be subject to additional terms.
The information and software applications on these pages are generally available free of charge and are produced for general informational purposes. The purpose of the site is to provide general advice and principles on the use of wood and wood-based products and solutions. The technical information is based on research results and/or long-term experience in the use of wood and wood-based products and solutions under normal conditions.
The functionalities and properties defined for products and systems are valid only if the operating conditions, instructions, maintenance, and other stated conditions and recommendations have been taken into account and followed. Any deviation from these conditions releases Puuinfo from all liability regarding the achieved functionalities, results, or properties.
All descriptions, images, and dimensions represent a general level and do not form part of any agreement. The information or solutions presented on the pages must not be referenced as part of contractual documents. The user of the information is always responsible for the application and suitability of the provided information for the intended use.
Products and systems, as well as software applications, presented on these pages may be changed without prior notice. Descriptions and recommendations are constantly updated. The information and programs may contain technical errors, typographical errors, or other types of inaccuracies. Puuinfo assumes no responsibility for these possible errors.
Puuinfo does not guarantee the accuracy of the information or programs and is not responsible for any damages that may result from the use of information or software applications on the pages or linked pages. Links to external sites or materials are provided for convenience only. Puuinfo assumes no responsibility for the information or programs contained in these sources and does not endorse them.
Other parties may share information on the site by linking to it. If information is extracted from the site as an independent entity and used in that capacity, Puuinfo is no longer responsible for the content of the information. Puuinfo is only responsible for the content of the information it controls on its own site. The information on the site must not be used for commercial purposes, e.g., resold.