
Wood Magazine 1/2022

Themes include schools and daycare centres as well as environmental and health impacts of wood construction.

Read the magazine in Finnish (here)

This issue is published as a digital magazine. It will be only published in electronic form on Puuinfo’s website and no paper version is sent to subscribers.

Pääkirjoitus Leader


Wooden schools – the gateway to a climate-aware and humane city

As called for by the government, the use of wood is now being vigorously promoted in public construction. Schools, dayca As called for by the government, the use of wood is now being vigorously promoted in public construction. Schools, daycare centres, and other educational facilities in particular have been built from wood in recent years. The 2021 Wood Award competition has also seen the same trend: four of the nine finalists were wooden schools and …

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Uutta What’s new


Wood construction speeding up among municipalities

A free public wood construction advisory service launched a year ago to bring municipalities together to develop and pic A free public wood construction advisory service launched a year ago to bring municipalities together to develop and pick up the pace of public wood construction. For wood construction to increase its popularity, additional expertise is required above all. But, municipalities also need to find and adopt new procedures suitable to them. Text: Minna MattssonRead …

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Monio log school construction has kicked off

Once complete, the Tuusula Upper Secondary School and multipurpose facility «Monio» will be one of the largest public bu Once complete, the Tuusula Upper Secondary School and multipurpose facility «Monio» will be one of the largest public buildings in Finland made from logs. Read the article in Finnish: Monion peruskivi on muurattu Construction of the Monio Upper Secondary School and Cultural Centre has begun in Hyrylä, Tuusula. The foundation was laid in late autumn, …

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Rakennettu Projects


Hopealaakso daycare centre

The Hopealaakso daycare centre uses wood for many purposes, and the end result feels natural both inside and outside. Wh The Hopealaakso daycare centre uses wood for many purposes, and the end result feels natural both inside and outside. When selecting materials, the genuine feel of the material, its patina, and ease of maintenance were the main deciding factors. The daycare centre won the 2021 Wood Award. Read the article in Finnish: Hopealaakson päiväkoti The …

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The Finnish-Russian School of Helsinki

The heart and meeting place of the Finnish-Russian school is a lounge-like area, which consists of a school canteen, sta The heart and meeting place of the Finnish-Russian school is a lounge-like area, which consists of a school canteen, stage and auditorium staircase. The school is located in Kaarela, Helsinki, and it was the people’s choice winner in the 2021 Wood Award competition. Read the article in Finnish: Suomalais-venäläinen koulu The school is a state-run …

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Metsola daycare centre

The Metsola wooden daycare centre in Nurmijärvi is a newly constructed two-storey building with a CLT structure. Its fac The Metsola wooden daycare centre in Nurmijärvi is a newly constructed two-storey building with a CLT structure. Its facilities are easily adaptable for the daycare centre’s and primary school’s varying activities. Perched on top of a hill, the stunning triangular daycare centre was one of the 2021 Wood Award finalists. Read the article in Finnish: …

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Extension of Kajaani High School and Kainuu Vocational College

When educational operations at Kainuu Vocational College were merged with Kajaani Upper Secondary School, the combined s When educational operations at Kainuu Vocational College were merged with Kajaani Upper Secondary School, the combined staff needed new work spaces and break rooms. The new extension designed for this purpose was a nominee for the 2021 Wood Award. Read the article in Finnish: Kajaanin lukion ja Kainuun ammattiopiston laajennus A solid wood extension was …

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Brahea Campus

Together with the city of Lieksa, the North Karelian educational consortium Riveria saw its dream turn into reality last Together with the city of Lieksa, the North Karelian educational consortium Riveria saw its dream turn into reality last year when lower and upper secondary students streamed into their new shared facility. The Brahea campus was awarded the region’s 2020 Construction Project of the Year by the North Karelia Construction Awards Committee. Read the article …

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Oulu Christian School and Verso daycare centre

Occupying an extensive site near the seashore, the Oulu Christian School and Verso daycare centre opened their doors in Occupying an extensive site near the seashore, the Oulu Christian School and Verso daycare centre opened their doors in autumn 2021. The building is constructed from breathable and humidity-balancing logs, and this natural material has a visible presence in every room. Read the article in English: Oulun kristillinen koulu ja päiväkoti Verso The daycare centre/integrated …

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Pajarinranta daycare centre

In accordance with its Green and Sustainable Kemi policy, the city of Kemi built a new daycare centre by the sea. Comple In accordance with its Green and Sustainable Kemi policy, the city of Kemi built a new daycare centre by the sea. Completed in October 2021, the Pajarinranta daycare centre is the world’s largest daycare centre built from logs. Read the article in Finnish: Pajarinrannan päiväkoti When deciding on the daycare centre’s placement on the plot, …

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Puurakenteet Wood structures


Modern computing technologies offer new acoustic design opportunities for wooden schools

Public wood construction is gaining ground. In terms of raw numbers, wooden schools have been the most common public bui Public wood construction is gaining ground. In terms of raw numbers, wooden schools have been the most common public building constructed in recent years. Design techniques for sound insulation in wood structures have also advanced rapidly. Designers can now verify the acoustic performance of their solutions at their desktop without time-consuming laboratory measurements or experimental …

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The Tuupala wood school study: noise and student stress levels were low

According to a study completed in late 2021, wooden school buildings provide students with an excellent learning environ According to a study completed in late 2021, wooden school buildings provide students with an excellent learning environment. This study on the health effects of wood construction compared the Tuupala wood school in Kuhmo with a control group of schools. The results show that the wooden school has a low noise level, less fluctuation in …

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Puusta From Wood


Construction’s environmental impact – wood and recycled materials help us face the future

Since construction is responsible for over a third of the world’s CO2 emissions, its carbon footprint must be redu Since construction is responsible for over a third of the world’s CO2 emissions, its carbon footprint must be reduced to prevent adverse climate effects. Switching to wood or recycled materials is an effective measure the industry can take. Teksti: Ninni WesterholmRead the article in Finnish: Rakentamisen ympäristövaikutukset – Puu ja kierrätysmateriaalit osana tarvittavaa murrosta We &helli

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Energy-efficient and low emission wooden buildings

A building’s energy efficiency is determined by the combination of its structures, energy solutions, and building A building’s energy efficiency is determined by the combination of its structures, energy solutions, and building technology. When building with wood, the choice of high quality windows, adequate insulation, and energy-efficient ventilation will result in a good energy class. A smart and responsible builder even considers each option’s impacts over the building’s entire lifecycle

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Wood products as carbon storage – the Hiilijemma project studied the responsible use of wood in construction

The Hiilijemma project was launched out of a desire to provide clarity to the discussion around the use of wood in const The Hiilijemma project was launched out of a desire to provide clarity to the discussion around the use of wood in construction. As part of the project, SYKE (the Finnish Environment Institute) produced a study on how an increase in wood construction might impact emissions from construction and the carbon balance of Finnish forests. Text: …

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