
As Oy Kirkkonummen Tinankartano


As Oy Kirkkonummen Tinankartano consists of two wooden apartment buildings in the newly drawn up residential area of Tinanpuisto near Masala train station in Kirkkonummi. A park stretches along a long side of the plot, which is generally spacious and not packed in too closely. The neighbouring plot is home to the tallest building in Kirkkonummi, Masala’s landmark As Oy Kirkkonummen Tinantorinkuja 2, which was designed at the same time as the wooden apartment buildings of Tinankartano.

The project aimed to design architecturally engaging housing that has a down-to-earth feel and promotes sustainable development. Built under a turnkey contract, the wooden apartment blocks make use of industrial prefabrication in accordance with Lehto’s Deco concept. A factory-produced modular system of volumetric elements served as the design’s starting point. The dimensions of the concept’s pre-designed apartment modules posed a specific design challenge: the frame depth risked making the 4-storey buildings look too massive or heavy. As a solution, the masses were structured around the central corridor to give the building a lighter shape and more balanced proportions.

The interior design focused on the functionality and pleasant feel of the stairwells in particular. The entrances to the buildings are high and bright and the stairwells receive natural light from three directions, giving the hallways a comfortable and safe feel. Light, durable materials and functional lighting guarantee functionality even in the gloomiest days of mid-winter. The common areas on the ground floors are easily accessible, and accessibility solutions received particular attention from the very beginning of the design stage. The building is heated with sustainable geothermal heating.

Architecturally, the building’s look has been harmonised with that of the 9-storey residential building on the neighbouring plot, Tinantorinkuja 2. This is evident in the rhythm of the building masses and the colour choices for the facade, among other things. To emphasise the articulated mass of the residential buildings, two different facade treatments were chosen for the wood: an opaque brick-red paint to match the neighbouring building’s brick facades and a natural-toned larch that will gain a distinguished grey patina over the years. For variety, the balcony area has vertically panelled facades and the rhythm of the wall openings varies. The architectural elements have clean lines and are limited in number to create a clear and cohesive look.

Technical solutions

Fire safety was handled using traditional sprinklers, which were largely prefabricated for the volumetric elements produced at Lehto’s own factory in Hartola. The dry sprinkler lines of the balconies were installed on site by drawing them from the apartments. The fire design is by Paloff Oy.

Apartment sound insulation chiefly uses concept solutions specifically made for volumetric modules and designed by A-Insinöörien kassa. The hallways are built from elements with a spring frame structure.

Construction project

Lehto Asunnot was awarded the plot in the City of Kirkkonummi’s call for tenders, which was organised in the spring of 2017. The company chose Taaleri Vuokrakoti Ky as its partner and sold it the plot when construction began in January 2019. Actual construction took 12 months.

Read the article in Finnish: As Oy Kirkkonummen Tinankartano

Project in brief

As Oy Kirkkonummen Tinankartano

  • Location | Kirkkonummi
  • Purpose | Residential apartment building
  • Constructor/Client | Taaleri Vuokrakoti Ky
  • Valmistumisvuosi | 2020
  • Floor area | 2 400 m2
  • Architectural Design | Lundén Architecture Oy
  • Structural design | Insinööri Mäkeläinen Oy
  • LVIA-suunnittelu | Elvak Oy
  • Electrical design | Elvak Oy
  • Pääurakoitsija | Lehto Asunnot Oy
  • Wood component supplier | Lehto