
Visibility in the real world and social media

2025 is the year when Puuinfo will finish turning its strategy into reality. The focus in this last year of the strategic plan is to make Puuinfo’s expertise known throughout the construction industry. While architects and wood construction professionals have already long embraced Puuinfo, our organisation is still mostly a stranger to large construction companies. We have now rolled up our sleeves to address this challenge.

LinkedIn plays a key role in our campaign, as it is currently the most valuable social media platform for professional networking and content sharing. Puuinfo’s LinkedIn channel has 3,300 followers, 900 of whom work in the construction, land, and real estate sectors. In short, social media is full of promise for sharing information. It is important for us to network to realise this potential, but social media can also lead to confrontation and polarisation. This is why we also need to create space for people to meet up in the real world.

2025 will see Puuinfo offer an unprecedented series of academic exchanges and site visits, including outings to Tampere, the Helsinki metropolitan area, France – and even Japan. When travelling, good company can be as important as the journey itself. While commuting to work, you might be sitting next to someone who has just solved the very same challenge that is about to land on your own desk. Open exchanges of ideas build trust in others, creating a mutual understanding of the world that reduces polarisation and increases the flow of accurate information. Emotions are in the driver’s seat. According to research, emotions often propel our decision-making.

In line with our focus on social media and real-life meetups, Wood magazine will only be available in digital form this year. Join us in enjoying the articles to come and in meeting each other face to face!

Anu Turunen