Wood industry best practices in Finland – Presenting the Finnish Best Practices article series

Over the course of 2018, Puuinfo will publish a series of articles on the Finnish wood industry and wood construction. The article series by Markku Laukkanen and Mikko Viljakainen presents a variety of best practices and trends in the Finnish wood industry. Among other topics, the series will cover high quality Finnish wood and the variety of ways it can be used, exemplary construction projects and investments and success stories in the industry. A number of cutting-edge Finnish wood industry and construction leaders and companies will take their turn in the series. The aim is to spread information about best practices and solutions in the Finnish wood industry to increase its competitiveness and make Finnish expertise more widely known.
The articles will be published in Finnish and in English. They will be made freely available for use as source material and for publication as they are. The articles will be distributed as Puuinfo newsletters and will also be published on the puuinfo.fi and woodproducts.fi websites.
The article series is funded by the Ministry of the Environment’s Wood Construction Operational Program.