A new generation steps up to lead Keitele sawmills
The Keitele Group is a family-run business where a long-term generational transition is coming to fruition. Industry Advisor Ilkka Kylävainio is the founder of Keitele, one of the largest operators in Finland’s sawmill and wood product industry. He is transferring the entire company to his sons Matti and Mikko Kylävainio.

Mikko Kylävainio will become CEO of Keitele Wood Products Oy, which manufactures wood products such as planed wood, glulam, and pellets. Matti Kylävainio will become CEO of Keitele Timber Oy, which is the sawmill business. In addition, Mikko Kylävainio will also take over the CEO duties at the parent company Keitele Forest Oy, which is responsible for group services.
Keitele Group employs more than 500 people directly and more than 1,500 people indirectly in forestry, wood harvesting, transportation, and logistics. The company exports 90 percent of its production. The group’s turnover was 356 million euro for the financial year ending in August 2021.
Keitele is one of Finland’s largest sawmills and the country’s largest producer of glulam and planed wood. All wood is procured from Finland, mainly from the central and northern parts of the country, making Finnish forest owners a very important stakeholder group for the company.
Read the article in Finnish: Sahayhtiö Keiteleen vetovastuu siirtyy seuraavalle sukupolvelle
More information: https://www.keitelegroup.fi/en/