
Videos available on building and living in wooden apartment buildings

In 2021–2022, Puuinfo produced a video series about a number of topics, including the construction of wooden apartment buildings in cities, daily life in wooden apartment buildings, and the use of wood in interior design and in apartment building, courtyards. These videos go into special topics around building and living in wooden apartments such as fire safety, sound insulation, and acoustics. Wood construction is becoming increasingly common in Finland, which is gradually leading to more established production methods and design work.

The videos run for between three and four and a half minutes. We believe that interested viewers will enjoy these videos and their knowledgeable but light-hearted approach. The videos are available on the Puuinfo YouTube channel and website and are also shared on Puuinfo’s social media channels.

Watch videos at puuinfo.fi/puutieto/puukerrostalorakentamisen-ja-asumisen-videosarja

Kaupunkipihojen rakentaminen ja suunnittelu

Puulla sisustaminen ja puun hyvinvointivaikutukset

Puukerrostalon ääneneristävyys ja akustiikka

Puukerrostalon paloturvallisuus

Puurakentaminen kaupungissa

Vesivahinko puukerrostalossa

Puurunkoinen lisäkerrosrakentaminen