
How interior design is using wood in 2023

When it comes to interior design trends, Finland’s Asuntomessut (Housing Fair) is the highpoint of the year. Organised amidst the gorgeous scenery on the eastern shore of Loviisanlahti Bay, this year’s fair was held in the Kuningattarenranta district and featured the sea.

Many fair visitors came to see the home interior design solutions and interior colour schemes to find inspirations for their own homes. Puuinfo also visited the Asuntomessut to discover how interior design is using wood in 2023.

Wood proved to be a versatile option for delightful interior designs and was used in many ways. As a material, wood can also be considered a healthy option, although we do not yet know the exact reasons why wood is such a positive factor. Environmental awareness is also increasingly important in today’s lifestyles, with people demanding durable and long-lasting interior design.

We found five trends at this year’s Asuntomessut.

Read the article in Finnish here.

1. Sustainability and environmental awareness

The rising popularity of wooden furniture was also apparent in the homes at the fair.

Modern and stylish wooden furniture was a striking visual element of many of the homes.

2. Wood panels and sheets

Many walls and floors had visible wooden panels and sheets, including even in a few bathrooms.

Different species and finishes of wood offer a wide variety of visual options and textures.

3. Natural surfaces

Wooden surfaces that retain their natural colour remain popular, but dyed and treated surfaces were also quite present.

Natural surfaces that made no attempt to cover up wood’s natural patterns and knots were particularly trendy this year.

4. Interior details emphasising wood

We saw an increasing trend of using wood for accentuating details in such applications as lighting, shelves, and wall decorations.

5. Smart wood products

The fair also showcased technology combined with wood products to create smart solutions like smart lighting that uses voice activation or motion sensors.

Taken altogether, using wood in interior design brings environmental-awareness, natural solutions, and sustainability to the forefront. The trends centre around the beautiful natural properties of wood and its ability to add cosiness and warmth to any space.