More effective and sustainable way to design and build with hybrid slim floor structure and connections
With hybrid structures the combination of timber, concrete, and steel makes it possible to maximize the strong points of each of these materials and to obtain the optimal solution for a project, from structural efficiency to fast and safe construction process, without compromising environmental criteria.
DELTABEAM® Hybrid Slim Floor Structure
DELTABEAM® hybrid slim floor is a system that offers building height savings, flexible design, quick and effortless installation, and integrated fire proofing. In addition, every hybrid frame needs fast, safe, and efficient connections and Peikko is now presenting PUUCO® connection tree that offers a perfect match.

DELTABEAM® hybrid timber structures allow to design longer and slimmer spans than in the case of traditional full timber structures, with significantly reduced weight compared to other floor systems. This brings advantages from the structural, architectural, and building lifetime energy-related point of view. Slim structure leads to total floor thickness reduced between 10 to 30 percent, and the wider structural grids create open spaces with layout flexibility for building lifetime. By using DELTABEAM® it can be implemented without any additional fire protection to make the construction process faster. Structure shallow design decreases a building’s floor-to-floor height enabling elimination of conflicts with HVAC systems in design and construction. On the other hand, more compact building design means good insulating properties and timber help to reduce the heat exchange with the exterior environment.

When DELTABEAM® Green is used in combination with hybrid timber floors, the environmental sustainability of the building is improved even more. In fact, DELTABEAM® Green is made with 90% recycled steel and produced by using renewable energy. The environmental impact of manufacturing and transportation is significantly less than traditional steel structures, as stated by the EPD Environmental Product Declaration. On top of that, the use of timber further reduces the carbon footprint, especially when local material is used.
PUUCO® Hybrid Frame Connections
DELTABEAM® has been traditionally used in concrete and steel composite frames with various slab types but nowadays more extensively with timber slabs. Traditionally connections to structures have been dependent on designers’ know-how with tailored and non-standard solutions. Presumable there has been a long request on markets to have standardized connection offering for easier, faster, and safer design and build. To meet this need Peikko is now launching the PUUCO® connection solution family, that was created to provide standardized solutions for connecting DELTABEAM®s to different timber frames. PUUCO® connections follow the Peikko ideology of safer, faster, and more sustainable construction. The starting point has been the proven and tried precast connection family with Peikko experience on industry, where now the connection method has been changed to fit properties to glue-laminated and CLT structural timber. The PUUCO® family members consist of NILCO® Shear Dowel for CLT-Concrete hybrid slabs, ROOCO® Column Shoes, RAMCO® Corbels, and BRAMCO® Beam Shoes, and TICCO® Wall Shoe. All solutions enable good tolerances along with fast and safe assembly for connection between hybrid structures.
At this stage Peikko is a newcomer on timber industry with PUUCO® connections, which is still an experimental solution portfolio. On the other hand, we are using our 55-year experience in connection technology, standardized production, and design know-how. We are also investing on hybrid R&D and learning continuously together with our customers. We invite all industry members to collaborate with us to provide general solutions for timber hybrid frames which are openly available to all industry with test results, drafting tools, and technical manuals.
Peikko in General

Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of slim floor structures, wind energy applications, and connection technology construction. Peikko’s innovative solutions offer a faster, safer, and more sustainable way to design and build. Peikko has sales offices in over 30 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and North America, with manufacturing operations in twelve countries. Peikko generated a turnover of EUR 255 million in 2021. Peikko is a family-owned and managed company that employs about 2,000 professionals.

Tule Puupäivään kuulemaan lisää kun Simo Hakkarainen kertoo Peikon ohuista hybridilattiarakenteista ja rungon liitosten tehokkaasta toteutuksesta Suunnittelijapäivän seminaarissa klo 13.25. Katso ohjelma ja ilmoittaudu mukaan päivään: